There are many reasons to acknowledge America’s veterans. No matter a person’s personal opinion on wars, past or present, veteran’s military work should still be acknowledged. Veterans should be acknowledged because nothing in your life can compare to the time they have spent giving us freedom. Most have spent many years of their lives over seas protecting the United States of America. If a person was born in America, they have lived in a free country ever since, and it will stay that way thanks to the military and its veterans. Veterans were sent to other countries that they knew nothing about and had to learn so many new things. Since they are usually there for a long period of time, they had to learn the ways of those countries. They have sacrificed months to years at a time without seeing their children or families. Sometimes they did get to go home on leave, after being gone for over …show more content…
a year on duty, just to be home for a few days. Veterans have given up so much time in there lives to protect American’s here at home in America, they should always be acknowledged. The hardest part is they jeopardized their lives every day when they were on duty. Veterans would work hard to help a country have peace like you do here in America. They would have had many fights against terrorists like Al-Qaeda that have done things like bomb a public marketplace. They have even caught the most important terrorists by having major plans for secret attacks. Sometimes their aircraft would be shot down and they would become prisoners of war for years. Many of these fights and attacks have caused America’s veterans major problems.
Some of the veterans have lost limbs when stepping onto booby traps while on duty doing their jobs. So many of our veterans have post traumatic stress disorder that has been caused by horrible military fights, leaving many with mental health issues. Many have even committed suicide because of these issues. For a while now many actors and musicians have been starting foundations to raise money to help our veterans get better. Acknowledging your veterans is the least you can do for these wonderful people. Most people know that they are safe here in America and have freedom because of the sacrifices veterans have made. You just need to think about all the time they have given up in their lives to fight for you and your country. A lot of people assume that freedom is just free in America and they really shouldn’t. When you see a veteran, you should really stop and take the time to thank him or her for their military