become homeless do to the suffering of PTSD or substance abuse, basically ruining their lives. The main opposing viewpoints are controversial. Veterans aren’t receiving healthcare from the VA or the VA is scamming veterans and taking their money. Military veterans do receive benefits, medical care and financial support they deserve.
So is the U.S.
military receiving medical and financial care? The VA was established to help give programs, financial and medical help to our military after being discharged. The Veterans Health Administration is America's largest health care system with more than 1,700 sites of care and is constantly ranked among the nation’s top health care provider (Office). Almost 5.5 million people received care in VA healthcare facilities in 2008. The VA is tasked with serving not only the veterans but the veterans families as well. One point that the opposing side has is that veterans, after being discharged, are not retrieving the healthcare they deserve. A five thousand page plus report found that forty-four percent of troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan report difficulties for receiving healthcare (McVeigh). Well the VA has completed over 4.1 million claims since 2009 and provided over $158 million in disability to 4.3 million veterans, survivors alone in 2012 alone about $150 million in spending cost to veterans. “On October 22, 2009 President Barrack Obama signed a law the veterans’ Health care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, which authorizes the U.S. congress to approve the VA health care budget a year in advanced (Office). For decades the VA has been providing millions of dollars to veterans in medical and financial costs. VA also provides many healthcare and life insurance policies to veterans. From Service Members Group life insurance to Veterans Mortgage Life …show more content…
Insurance, the VA helps veterans determine the right healthcare that qualifies for each veteran. Some life insurances from the VA give free health care coverage to their children and dependent children as well. There is coverage from service members who suffer a loss, blindness, paraplegia, and amputations. The VA can provide high to low coverage to veterans depending on their situation. This is just one of the tons of that the VA provides for veterans. Homeless veterans have a big impact as well. A number of VA benefits are aimed at helping veterans at risk of becoming homeless including disability compensation, pension and educational benefits (National). VA also provides health and rehabilitation programs for homeless veterans. Approximately nine percent of homeless veteran are between the ages of eighteen and thirty, and forty-one percent ages between thirty-one and fifty (Homeless). Basically 1.4 million veterans are considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty and lack of support. Seventy percent of veterans have substance abuse and fifty-one percent of individual homeless veterans have disabilities (Nations). The VA aims to help these veterans and provide then jobs, starting a business, and a home or facility for them to get back on their feet. The VA isn’t only source to go to if a veteran is in need of help.
There are hundreds of Veteran Organizations that veterans can seek help from. There are more than 45,000 nonprofit organizations devoted to veterans and their families are registered with the IRS. These organizations to and extremely good job to helping veterans. They help veterans transition into civilian life, help them file claims and negotiate the VA, help wounded veterans heal physically and mentally to cope with challenges presented by long term injuries. They also help with financial assistance to veteran’s families and wounded veterans as well. This list can go on and on for a while but this gives an idea of what these organizations do to help veterans in need. An opposing viewpoint for these organizations is that these organizations provide little money, eligibility to receive care or money and pore communication. For the majority, Sixty-four percent of all veteran organizations do not make grants or payments. Another thirty-three percent award $250,000 or less in grants annually. Some sixty percent of charitable veteran organizations do not make grants or payments. Another twenty-eight percent award $250,000 or less annually (Numbers). So basically these organizations do provide financial assistance to veterans and depending on the organization they contact, they will determine the spending cost. This is one great resource for veterans that they could rely on to for help or assistance. But that isn't the only thing that military veterans receive.
Military veterans also receive benefits depending on the branch of military that they enlisted in. But there is a list of overall basic benefits that majority of members receive. Veterans get cash bonuses, thirty days of vacation per year which is good considering that they gave their lives to the government and can actually have some leisure time. Provided free flights between bases, receive substantial discounts and deals throughout the private sector (Scanlon). Special deals on Home Loans which links back to the VA. They can receive educational benefits such as free college. Military can pay off any college expenses for military veterans. Viewpoints of the opposing side is that military don’t provide enough benefits for our veterans. Our military gives a substantial amount of benefits to our veterans let alone what the VA gives to our military soldiers. As an enlisted member of the military, the pay will increase the longer that the individual is in the military, and as those individuals advance in rank (Scanlon). An Annual military pay is $24,300.00 for a basic 4-year service. The U.S. military is a great establishment for people. To meet and work hard with others and strengthen people as a person. They get to be part of a large family with a proud history.
For centuries our military have been provided help and care from many organizations in the United States.
The U.S. have provided billions of dollars to our military veterans in need and they will continue to give back to them. The U.S. president also has an important job taking of our military. If the opposing side thinks that the U.S. military isn't being treated fairly and that they are not getting the care that they need, their clearly misunderstood and incorrect. There is no doubt that there has been cases and allegations that the VA is scamming our veterans and not giving them what they need. But the numbers speak for themselves and it doesn't take away the fact that U.S. military veterans do receive benefits, medical care, and financial support they deserve. A number of our veterans suffer from PTSD and substance abuse. It's also the veteran’s responsibilities that they do what they need to be eligible and qualify for VA benefits. Our U.S. military is the one of the greatest militaries in the world and the U.S. takes good care of our veterans because they keep the United States a safer and better