Future technology will give us the chance
Future technology will give us the chance
The first step is to calibrate the colorimeter with0.20 M Fe(NO3)3and set the absorbance at 470 nm since it is known to keep an acidic solution throughout the entirety of the experiment. It was important to do this right at the beginning of the lab since the zeroed value of the acid was the calibration number for all of the other solutions. A total of seven solutions with different dilutions were used throughout the lab to conduct the equilibrium constant. The first step was adding 5 mL of 0.200 M Fe(NO3)3to each of the 5 test tubes. Once this was done, 0.00200 M NCS was added to the test tubes, each receiving a different amount; test tube one received 1 mL NCS-and with each test tube the amount of NCS-would increase by 1 mL, test tube 5 received 5 mL of NCS. . The next step was adding HNO3 to each test tube in different volumes; Test tube one received 10 mL of HNO3 and with each test tube the amount of HNO3 decreased by 1 mL, test tube five had no HNO3 added to it. The addition of these solutions formed five test tubes of different dilutions, but of equal volume, 10 mL each. After all of the previous trials had been completed the final step was to take each test tube and pour it into a different cuvette and measure the absorbance for each. Once the initial concentration was calculated of Fe3+, NCS and FeNCS2+ in molarity. The absorbency values were recorded and used to calculate the formation constant, K f The reference table containing volumes used in each solution is provided below…
the officer said and was arrested. The officer then started to get aggressive with Jermaine.…
picture of that future based on current trends, and influence the forces that will affect us.…
In conclusion, it’s quite clear to see how we have changed throughout history. It has not only changed the ways we act and talk, but also the physical way as well. Now of days we are much more technologically advanced and have better rules and laws. The courtrooms are also much more trustworthy. Overall we are just a much different society in comparison to the 1930’s. With that being said, it makes me wonder, what will our future will be…
Not much change will occur over the course of the next twenty years that can’t be plainly predicted today. Obviously, the track we’re on now will continue to develop as automation takes to the forefront of work typically done by humans. Desperately, our governments will continue fighting to censor peoples daily lives in order gain control over a society born in the digital age. Intrusive marketing techniques tailored to target the very impulses within human DNA will be perfected; as escaping the all-seeing eyes of Big Brother becomes virtually impossible. Individuality will dwindle as Americans continue struggling to find comfort through association as the once bountiful well of fads, fashions, styles, and other various forms of self expression is dried…
The future is the future and the new development of technologies will go further. Having robots in the field of fire such as the army would be able to help assist them into being able to cause less damage and casualties. In the field of medicine they can be able to find out what is wrong by a small injection of microbots to find the disease and cure it. The author did not mention the enhancements of construction like how there have recently been 3D print houses. The author should also mention the concerns about these technologies and why they should not worry.…
By the year 2025 to do a homework assignment I believe we will have touch screen lab tops, watches, I-pads, etc. and everything will electronically be submitted for further review. Going even further into the future and doing a homework assignment in the year 2125, we may have mind writing where u just think of what you want to say or do and a computer automatically does it for you. Overall I don’t plan on doing any homework in the year 2125 so I will probably never know.…
Most people think that robots are mechanical people of the future. Use the website below to investigate our history with robotics and what our future might look like.…
The future is already here. The world of technology continuously evolves and more and more inventions are implemented into the daily life of many people, whether it is noticed or unnoticed by people. But could it be the end of our future? Could this evolution of technology bring more or less jobs for the future? Better still, will the human race become eventually extinct?…
Now, close your eyes and begin to imagine. Picture a device that could answer all…
For many years, science fiction writers have challenged readers with visions of the future and future society. These authors offered an insight into what they expected man, society, and life to be like at some future time. One could divide their visions of future into two main streams: an apocalyptical one, with the degradation and demoralization of our society, and a utopian world, where our civilization turns into a highly conscious and developed one, and people live in perfect harmony.…
I wish to share my considerations as to the future which looms far ahead in the next century, in the new millenium, in the pretty remote perspective. Time has come to say once and for all what future we want to build for us and for our children.…
In this day and age, new technology is everywhere, but it’s usually in the form of phones, computers, and, now, watches. However, we’re forgetting one, robots. Now, they’re still quite popular, but they’re mostly the ideals of science fiction worlds set so far into the future we’ve migrated to space. Is it really so farfetched of an idea, though, to think that maybe we could achieve that level? No, in fact and despite the spotlight being diverted away, we’re heading down the path to robo-world already. What a robot is and has been is quite a lenient description, but no one can deny how much they’ve already shaped our lives. According to the passage “Robots Long Ago” by Karen Brinkmann, “Today robots help people with everything from surgery…
The majority of technology breakthroughs are going to make life simpler, one way or another. As of right now, the technology we have can do so much, but what will this be like in the future? This question has unlimited answers and possibilities. I believe it’s safe to say many of the answers will improve life in someway. It might make life more enjoyable or it might solve a problem. It also might just improve something that already exists. In the end, it will make life easier, and who can disagree with…
Years ago, it was predicted by many that the future would be an amazing and surreal place, yet, no one really seems very shocked about the advances. You can see evidence everywhere. The news is a great example- you see or read an interesting story, think about it for a second, and then you brush it over your shoulder, without any critical thinking, or wondering how it will affect your life.…