Cited: Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Donald Gray. Norton Critical Editions. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2002. Bermingham, Ann. "The Aesthetics of Ignorance: The Accomplished Woman in the Culture of Connoisseurship." Oxford Art Journal 16.2 (1993): 3-20. Katz, Phyllis A. "The development of female identity." Sex Roles 5.2 (1979): 155-178. Sears, Clare. "Electric brilliancy: Cross-dressing law and freak show displays in nineteenth- century San Francisco." WSQ: Women 's Studies Quarterly 36.3 (2008): 170-187. Shields, Stephanie A. "Passionate men, emotional women: Psychology constructs gender difference in the late 19th century." History of Psychology 10.2 (2007): 92.
Cited: Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Donald Gray. Norton Critical Editions. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2002. Bermingham, Ann. "The Aesthetics of Ignorance: The Accomplished Woman in the Culture of Connoisseurship." Oxford Art Journal 16.2 (1993): 3-20. Katz, Phyllis A. "The development of female identity." Sex Roles 5.2 (1979): 155-178. Sears, Clare. "Electric brilliancy: Cross-dressing law and freak show displays in nineteenth- century San Francisco." WSQ: Women 's Studies Quarterly 36.3 (2008): 170-187. Shields, Stephanie A. "Passionate men, emotional women: Psychology constructs gender difference in the late 19th century." History of Psychology 10.2 (2007): 92.