quadrupedal and it had relatively short legs. The inaccuracies in the movie was that in real life diplodocus was roughly 27 meters long but in the movie it appears to be much larger than that.
Furthermore, the other inaccuracy is that the front legs are supposed to be shorter than the back legs and they were not in the movie. The next dinosaur was the Plesiosaur. The plesiosaur was seen as soon as the submarine emerged into the tropical environment after passing through the underground river. The accurate aspects of the plesiosaurs were that it was aquatic and carnivorous (ate the German submariner). The inaccurate aspects of the Plesiosaur were the head was too large in the movie and the neck was too thick. The next dinosaur we critiqued was the Styracosaurus. The accurate part of the Styracosaurus was that it had 6 spikes, a nose spike and a beak. The inaccuracies that are portrayed in the movie is that the Styracosaurus is portrayed as aggressive when it was not, and it was supposed to be an herbivore. The Allosaurus was the next dinosaur that was reviewed. It was determined that the accurate aspects of the Allosaurus were that it was aggressive and carnivorous, it was bipedal, they were pictured together which suggests they roamed in packs and they had 3
claws. The inaccuracies of the Allosaurus were that it did not have the horns on its head and the stance was too upright. The Stegosaurus/Polacanthus was seen for the a very brief moment but we still analyzed the pros and cons. The good thing about this dinosaur was that is was quadrupedal, had a lumbering stance, hind limbs higher than forelimbs and a small head. The problem was that the movie seemed to combine the Stegosaurus and the