Character Analysis
Mr. Zero – The main character in the Adding Machine, Mr. Zero is an individual that has clearly become a victim of a mechanized and industrial society. This society has robbed him of his true humanity and he has become someone who associates solely with his profession. Zero, a bookkeeper for the past 25 years, has let his profession overtake his life in multiple ways. He truly believes in his mind that holding the same profession for the past 25 years is a great accomplishment whereas in reality he is just being exploited as another blue collar worker. His job has begun to affect his mental capacity as well. He cannot get these figures out of his head and on many occasions he begins …show more content…
Daisy has fallen madly in love with Zero during all the time they have worked together. Much of her dialogue, which she speaks to herself, is about Zero and how she wishes that he had married her instead of his actual wife. She has become so enamored with Zero that she goes to the extreme of committing suicide just so she can be with him again. During their time in the fields together, she expresses her true love for Zero and they contemplate getting married and spending the rest of their time together before Zero dismisses the idea and leaves her by herself. In the end, she was a character who gave up her life for a man who had no true intention of ever being with her. She clearly regrets her decision as she says she may as well now be alive if she can’t be with …show more content…
Right here at this desk.(Pointing at his desk)
Boss: Then, in that case, a change probably won't be unwelcome to you.
Zero: No, sir, it won't. And that's the truth.
Boss: We've been planning a change in this department for some time.
Zero: I kinda thought you had your eye on me.
Boss: You were right. The fact is that my efficiency experts have recommended the installation of adding machines.
Zero: (Confused look) Addin' machines?
Boss: Yes, you've probably seen them. A mechanical de-rice that adds automatically.
Zero: Sure. I've seen them. Keys—and a handle that you pull. (Motion in air)
Boss: That's it. They do the work in half the time and a high-school girl can operate them. (Slows Down) Now, of course, I'm sorry to lose an old and faithful employee—
Zero: (Cuts of Boss)Excuse me, but would you mind sayin' that again?
Boss: (Fake sadness in voice) I say I'm sorry to lose an employee who's been with me for so many years.
(Zero gets wide eyed, appears to lose balance)
Boss: But, of course, in an organization like this, efficiency must be the first consideration
You will draw your salary for the full month. And I'll direct my secretary to give you a letter of