First of all, one of the positive points is that the EU countries work together by handling such common problems as nuclear safety, long-term employment, development of rural areas of its member states, integration of young people into working life. Apart from this, joining the EU presents significant economic opportunities in the form of a larger market, free movement of goods and capital. Also, with it being a single market, there are no barriers between the other countries.With the removal of custom it enables producers to cut production costs, which results in export increases.
In addition to this, by spending part of their education or training in another European Union country, Lithuanians can get an insight into other work environments and gain skills that are very useful in later life. By having a closer joint effort and sharing the experiences with other European countries can bring democratic traditions and modern way of living to the society of Lithuania.
However, if Lithuania wasn‘t part of the EU, it would gain full control of its own borders and be able to control or stop the flow of Lithuanian emmigrants to other countries. More than 40 000 people have left Lithuania in the past year and this big loss causes political, economic and social problems to our country especially when skilled workers are lost.
Even though the EU allows countries to feel stronger globally and politically, but it also threatens to take away some of the power of national government. Many laws made by the officials of the EU impact our country without input from our local government and