The power or the motion pictures as an instrument of culture and education is immeasurable. We know that a motion picture based on a classical novel will induce thousands of people to read Or reread the book; the introduction of a classical composition into the picture stimulates the demand for recording of that composition. Lessons of history, geography and everyday science life imparted through it. The man of today is better informed than his ancestors due to cinema. Thus they give food for thought and imagination to the common people by showing on the screen grand objects ; sublime beauties and epoch-making events. The great personalities of former times come to life and their message is communicated to the people The lives of saints and seers set high ideals before the people. They enlarge our vision and broaden our minds.
FILMS DEPICT Historical, mythological and social themes bearing on Indian lives, whether of the past or the present make a special appeal to the people. The Cinema has been found to be the most effective method of exposing social evils such as dowry system, etc. Civic sense