In present times, every establishment always use floor polishers for it may look presentable and fabulous to walk on. They are using commercialized floor polishers which are made from synthetic ingredients which has a bad door. Since it uses petroleum as it's basis it is also flammable which makes it dangerous to human health and may cause some hazards like fires.
There are many advocacies promoting environment preservation and restoration. This may help in these advocacies. Because the main ingredient was just soap banana peel so that will lessen the production of biodegradable garbage.
Many articles and pamphlets say that banana peel is effective in shining and smoothening surfaces like shoes made up of leather.
The product will cost lesser than those of commercial because only the tools and some additives are need to be bought, so we can assume convenience to those who will buy our product.
Therefore we can conclude that this research will/ maybe be a huge success and buyers will surely be satisfied on what will be the performance of the said product. It may also emit the old tradition of just throwing banana peel instead they can collect it and donate for us to transform it into a more useful and effective product which happen to be the banana floor polisher.
The main problem of this proposed study is to test the effectiveness of Banana Peel as an alternative floor polisher. Specifically it attempts to answer the following research questions:
1. Is banana peel as an alternative floor polisher effective?
2. What are the qualities of banana peel to be an alternative floor polisher?
3. What is the significant difference between the qualities and effectiveness of banana peel as an alternative floor polisher and the commercialized floor polisher?
4. What are the advantages of banana peel as an alternative floor polisher?
5. What is the