This assignment is written firstly to make a state of the term “The American Dream” and secondly to analyze a novel and a poem about emigration to the U.S and the problems this can cause. The novel “Soñar in Cubano” is about a girl and her family who emigrated from Cuba when she was two years old. Her greatest issue is to find out which culture she belongs to, because she was so little when she left Cuba, she can barely remember Cuba and wants to found out whether she is Cuban or American. The poem “Speak Up, Chicano, Speak up” is an appeal to Chicanos to speak up and be heard by the Americans. Finally the paper contains a discussion whether “The American Dream” is achievable for immigrants or not. The reader will gain an insight into the difficulties and challenges of immigrants’ life in the US. By reading and analyzing the above mentioned texts the conclusion is that immigrants are discriminated and have trouble gaining “The American Dream”.
Abstract 1 Indholdsfortegnelse 2 Indledning 3 Problemformulering 3 Indledning 3 The American Dream 4 Soñar en Cubano - uddrag 4 Resumé 4 Personkarakteristik 5 Pilar 5 Celia 5 Lourdes 6 Fortolkning 6 Temaer 6 Komposition 7 Perspektivering 7 Speak up, Chicano, Speak up 8 Resume 8 Fortæller 8 Komposition 8 Ydre komposition 8 Indre komposition 8 Persongallari 8 Genre 9 Rytme 9 Fortolkning 9 Perspektivering 9 Miljø 9 Modsætninger 10 Er ”The American Dream” opnåelig for immigranter? 10 Diskussion 10 Vurdering 10 Litteraturliste 11
Der ønskes en redegørelse af begrebet ”The American Dream”
Dernæst ønskes en spansk- og engelskfagligt analyse af en eller flere tekster, der indeholder eksempler på hvordan ”The American Dream” indgår i teksterne.
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