The Amish was originated in Switzerland by the Anabaptist leader Jakob Ammann. The Amish is an Anabaptist Christian denomination. The Amish are known for their separation from the society, and for living in isolated Amish communities. The Amish are also known for rejecting most of the modern technology such as phones, motorcycles and computers. and for their special way of dressing. Their way of living makes them very different from other Christian denominations. Amish communities are mostly found in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Canada. There is no overall religious authority found in the Amish communities. That means that each society determines what is forbidden and permitted in their society. All Amish communities are held together
by laws they call ordnung. This order system is maintained by strict discipline that means that if someone breaks the rules he/she will be shunned. If he/she repents he/she will be forgiven and taken back. Unless he/she has been baptized. The Amish population is around 250.000. That’s very impressive because u can only get born into the Amish culture. The average Amish family gets around 5-11 children.