The analysis of the factors which influence the rate of unemployment
Sacarea Alexandra Sabrina
Table of contents
1.Objectives of project
2.Stages of analysis
2.1.Data collection
2.2.Estimation of parameters
3.Graphical representation
4.Statistical tests
4.1.Fisher Test
4.2.Student Test
5.Durbin-Wtason Test
6.Chow test
7. Forecast model using multiple regression
1.Objectives of project
The main objective of the project is to analize the influence of the following variables, X1-the number of unemployed people, X2-the active population, X3-the investments, X4-number of retired persons because of invalidity, X5-number of persons who moved from the rural to the urban environment and X6-the imports, on the main variable Y which is the unemployment rate.
The following analysis contains theoretical notions regarding the rate of unemployment rate as a report between the number of unemployed workers (who are registered at the agencies of work force) and the civil active population (unemployed +active occupied population, defined according to the methology of the labour force balance) , expressed in procents.
As defined by the International Labour Organization, "unemployed workers" are those who are currently not working but are willing and able to work for pay, currently available to work, and have actively searched for work
According to the criterion of the International Office of Labour (Biroul International al Muncii), unemployed persons must have the age of 16 or more and must simultaneously fulfill these conditions: -do not have a workplace and do not carry in any activity with the purpose of obtaining an income -are searching for a workplace and have been taking measures in this way for