One Objective Strategies on
Vorapoj Songcharoen
Bangkok University
SawasdeeVR .com is a free Thailand virtual destination panoramic contents service provider. The website aims to promote Thailand tourisms with interactive virtual scene. As a name çSawasdeeé is a Thai word for greeting, and VR is short word of Virtual Reality. Since this initial technology based on Apple QuickTime Virtual Reality technology (QTVR), itûs original idea based on the innovative technology of QTVR technology, which is introducing new way to exploring places and objects. itûs allowed user to control field of view, camera angle, turn left-right, up-down, zooming in-out, and animated like a video. This becomes new media beside text, images, graphic, sound, video and interactivity. Later it evolve into Adobe Flash technology along with the popularity of internet and Flash, this increasingly popularity allowed user on the web be able to access Panoramic Virtual Reality content anywhere in the world via web browser. And now it is emerging into mobile devices such as Android phone as well as very popular iOS on iPod, iPhone and iPad.
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„π™à«ß·√°ÊºŸâ„™â®÷ßμâÕßÕ“»—¬ QTVR ‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ ´÷Ë߇ªìπ°“√™à«¬„À⺟ℙ≥⡒‚Õ°“ ”√«®æ◊Èπ∑’Ë·≈–«—μ∂ÿ„À¡àÊ ‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’π’Ȭ—ߙ૬„Àâ
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References: About Drupal. (n.d.) Retrieved March 20, 2011 from Adobe Flash Player. (2011). Retrieved March 18, 2011 from Google Maps. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2011 from Wikipedia: March 18, 2011 from docu/swfkrpanojs/ Larson, B. (2008, December 10). Bonary crumbs: a introduction to equirectangular 21, 2011, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia. QuickTime VR: Questions and answers. (2008, October 3) (2011). Retrieved March 18, 2011, from http:// Retrieved March 20, 2011, from http://