Thompson writes about is we are to be known. He states that we unknowingly live with the obsession with wanting to know things and believing the right things about Gods, Jesus, and our theology, and the right behavior. We resist in being known in our lives and often used as a defense against our feeling of insecurity and shame. He proclaims the process of being known is that you come to know yourself and learn how to know others. To be known is to be pursued, examined, and shaken. To be known means to allow your shame and guilt be exposed in order to be healed. Dr. Thompson states God desires to be known by us as much as He wants to know us. He wants the readers to understand there is no such things as an isolated mind and life will be full of joy, courage, kindness, and security when one is engaged, known, and understood by another person, especially by …show more content…
Thompson explores how there is implicit and explicit memory. Implicit memory does not need conscious attention or mental activity and first form of recall and explicit memory is when remembering something. You can change your life experiences of what you remember and change your memory. Our memories are not static things that stay in a “safe deposit box” of our minds. So, the process in reflecting and telling others your story shapes the story and the network it represents. Your memories create your future through the neural networks created by your past, and despite your past, you can change your memory. He also talks about emotion and how it is the very energy which the brain organizes itself. Without emotion, life would come to a stop. Emotions is the means of which we experience and connect with yourself, others, and God in most basic way. People often cut themselves from emotions when unable to cope with unstable emotional states and become dismissive of the need for attachment. Monitor why you feel and what you fell when your thoughts turn to God because they can be mistaken. Your body and mind of distress and anxiety changes over