Philosophy 151-22
Dr. Howell
Is Knowledge Power? If knowledge is the facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education, then the importance of knowledge and certainty is nine times out of ten the most important characteristic in the human body. In Descartes Mediations on First Philosophy, knowledge comes from our senses but the senses are only there to help improve all these aspects of life. His idea is the mind is a dominant weapon in everyday life, one that decides the certainty of all things. In The Apology, Socrates believes that all knowledge comes thru questioning of what he thinks he knows to what he truly is willing to find out. Therefore his ideas of what he thinks he knows …show more content…
Their never is an understanding in which both men truly seem to be self-confident in or hold that self-knowledge needed to develop an understanding. Socrates always seems to teach his understanding through questioning as he and Meno seem to solve the answers of knowledge along with virtue. Socrates questions “If there is something good, and yet separate from knowledge, possibly virtue would not be a knowledge, but if there is no good in which knowledge does not contain, it would be a right notion to suspect it is knowledge,” (Socrates 50). His knowledge is never clear or resolved, it is always an on word discussion with Meno about clarifying the real meaning behind what is truly knowledge. By means Socrates never simply applies his understanding of what knowledge is until further …show more content…
His knowledge is always in question, but if learning develops knowledge then technically both are in comparison and shape one another. In The Meno the learning that Socrates faces comes through memory and how the soul rediscovers the truth. This learning that Socrates overcomes can be taught and is put in a specific conclusion with factual evidence. This information in learning is the most confident Socrates gets, therefore this is the next step to discover knowledge. But Socrates does not confirm this or give a solid reason as to why the meaning of knowledge is important. It is only in the soul or in the mind that both men feel the most confidence in knowledge, but both Socrates and Descartes never understand this in their