The Socratic Method is what Socrates used to prove the oracle wrong. Socrates simply set out to ask people a series of questions. These men were people
of wisdom or considered wise by many. Socrates questioned three groups of people Politicians, poets and artists. During these conversations Socrates would use their own work against them, questioning them on the meaning of their work. He came to the conclusion that none of these people knew the meaning of anything. Therefore they are not wise they are too stubborn to realize they are wrong (21c-22e). So the Socratic Method was nothing more than a series of questions and way for Socrates to find out if these men were really wise. This led to a lot of hatred towards him for pointing this out.
Works Cited
The Last Days of Socrates.” The Last Days of Socrates. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.