not be legislated against. Illegal abortion is also rife with discrimination. The fourteenth
amendment prohibits states from violating an individual's rights of due process and equal
protection.. The first, fourth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments explain that each citizen
has an individual right to privacy against state laws (Kelly par. 4). Abortion should not be
prohibited in the United States because the government has no right to interfere with a
women’s right to privacy.
Abortion has been argued against for several decades. It is considered to be the
most controversial and difficult topics in society. Abortion became illegal in the United …show more content…
Roe v. Wade caused tremendous amounts of
controversy (McBride par. 1). This case divided the nation more than any other. After
most states restricted abortion, the feminist acts of the 1960’s challenged it (Treanor pg.
Most women have abortions because of personal issues such as being victims of
rape or just simply not being equipped to care for a child. Being a victim of rape can
traumatize a woman for years, and having a child as a result can cause the psychological
trauma to become even worse (Beckwith par. 5). Some women are just not fit to
parent. There are women who are divorced, financially unstable, sick, and become
pregnant at a young aged. Anti-abortionists may suggest foster care for people who are in
that situation, but foster systems can actually be very emotionally, and sometimes
physically, damaging to a child. Illegal abortion does not only affect the child, but it can
affect the mother in extreme ways also. Women have actually died in the past because of abortion restrictions. Abortions
may be required for women with severe diseases such as sickle cell, heart disease, or
hemorrhage. It was estimated that during the nineteen fifties and sixties, the number …show more content…
It is simply a termination of pregnancy
within a woman and is extremely safe.
It is also argued that abortion should not be legal because it allows man to act
against the will of God. Some people believe that abortion is perfectly fine. Others
believe that having an abortion will cause you to be put to death in the afterlife. The issue
with this argument is that not every human being has the same religion. The United States
constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion
(McBride par. 5). So, therefore, this argument is invalid.
There can be lots of complications within society when dealing with abortion. The
Roe v. Wade decision caused a worldwide debate that is still dealt with on a daily basis
There are lots of different thoughts and beliefs when it comes to abortion, but the rights
of women should always remain. There is no reason for the government to tap into a
women’s personal decisions. Roe v. Wade has helped lots of women regain their right to
privacy. Abortion is needed for the better. It has a large impact on society. If a