The first day was just learning all the “Bearism’s rules”, then after two weeks, Jack got to attend a group training section at The Firm’s national training center. After Jack got back from the training, he is assigned to do audit for the Rineholt Corporation. Jerry Lisbon was the senior in charge of Cement. Jack and Jerry went to the plant to do some audit works. During the audit, Jack found out that there was a problem with the clerk who handled miscellaneous cash receipts because when Jack asked to count the petty cash, she pulled her check book and wrote a $150 check and told Jack to include that check in the petty cash fund also. The clerk has been taken out money from the petty cash fund when she needed and no one ever noticed. She asked Jack not to tell the manager because if they found out, she will be fired. Jack didn’t want to make anyone fired, but he decided that he needed to talk to Jerry about it and he did. Jack has made a good …show more content…
Barbara started to express how she was feeling about the fact that she also got admitted. She told Jack that she was held back from promoting to partner last year because she’s a women; she also felt that she had to do so much extra works to get to where she is today. And then they started to talk about Stan Wright. Stan was a manager in the office but left two years ago. All the memories they had for Stan were that he was a jerk, and awful to work with.
Life went on. Jack was back to his daily works routines, excepted he was a partner at the time. Unexpected things happened one night when Jack got a late phone call from Bill Jepsen to tell him that The Bear’s had a heart attack. But the doctor said his heart attack was under control then next day. After the heart attack, The Bear decided to retire early due to his health conditions and he asked Jack to run for the Oakland office after he was gone. Jack accepted the offer and he was happy more than ever. Jack became PIC over the next