Biff and Happy, are more athletic than studious. Willy claims Biff is cheating at school which brings on a flashback of Willy have an affair with a woman in
Boston. Both Biff and Happy promise their father they will go into business.
Act two opens which moves to the evening of the following day.
Willy goes to his boss and asks him to stop sending him on traveling trips. Instead of rewarding him for all the years of service he has put in his boss fires him leaving him to have ask Charley for a loan. Willy then joins Biff and Happy at a restaurant to tell them the bad news he then is told by Biff that himself and Happy were unable to get a loan meaning they couldn’t start a business. The scene …show more content…
In the book the main character Willy Loman is sad and depressed mostly because he thinks his life isn’t good enough. Causing Willy to cheat on his wife, disappoint and lie to his family and friends, give up on life, get fired, and to commit suicide. The problem of the illegal mining in South America is very similar to the book because the people working to run the illegal mines are greedy scavengers looking to fill the void in their lives by destroying what is beautiful and not caring about whom they hurt in the process. Willy Loman does just this in “Death of a