A Code of Conduct as described by Collins (2012) defines ones behaviors in relation to given situations. For the military, the Code of Conduct was established as a result of the gruesome conditions that prisoners of war were faced with during the Korean War. The standards outlined in the Code of Conduct were the standards developed to guide Soldiers while in combat or captivity and were issued in an executive order on August 17th 1955. These same standards of conduct have been revised only twice. The first revision was to clarify the meaning of certain words and the second was to change the Code of Conduct to reflect a gender-neutral standard. A Code of Ethics is guiding principles that are established to remind us that in various situations, this is who we should strive to be (Collins, 2012). No different than any other profession, the Army has established values that are to serve as guiding principles for the Soldiers that have sworn to defend the US Constitution. These seven values are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless-service, honor, integrity, and personal courage and serve to guide Soldiers actions in everyday decisions/problem solving situations. The Army has placed a renewed emphasis on ethical decision making and with the establishment of the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE) in 2010 has shown a commitment to change the cultural mindset of an Army that has been at war for over 14 years. Along with the Army Values, goes the Warrior Ethos: (I will always place the mission first; I will never accept defeat; I will never quit; I will never leave a fallen comrade) four guiding principles that Soldiers understand violating will have strategic implications on the overall success or failure of the…