Amos Shaw
Ant 101
Sean McCoy
April 23, 2012
The Batek of Malaysia Way of Life
This paper will discuss the values and beliefs, the political organization, and the gender of relations of the Batek of Malaysia. Batek are Semang or Malayan Negritos, numbering 700-800 in 1995. The Batek of Malaysia’s primary mode of substances is Foragers. Foragers are hunting and gathering lifestyle, it is one of the oldest forms of human society. The Batek have held on to their traditional way of life for years. How do you think it was possible for them to maintain their way of life through many different generations?
My paper is on The Batek of Malaysia which is a group of people of Aboriginal; they lived mainly in the watershed of the Lebir River in the peninsular Malaysian state of Kelantan and along the northern tributaries of the Tembeling River in the Pahang state. They are typically shorter than other Southeast Asians with dark brown skin and curly to wooly hair. They are a Southeast Asian rainforest foraging society who lives in camps with at least five or six nuclear families. They survive by hunting, gathering, and trading their forest products. The Malaysians stayed to themselves besides recent contact between the Batek and outsiders occurred largely on an individual basis, with individual Malay farmers living along the main rivers of the area.
A majority of the Batek community are being logged to make way for rubber and palm oil plantations and for land development schemes intended to provide family plots for landless Malay farmers. The Batek values the freedom that their way of life provides, they are able to move around freely and are able to move around freely and participate in any economic activities. They have no formal leader, but women and men can be assigned the title as a headmen but this does not assign to special authority or privileges.
Values and Beliefs
They believe in a group of supermen surrounding the
References: I.VI.5 The Batek of peninsular Malaysia. (2006). In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Retrieved from I.VI.1 Introduction: Southeast Asia. (2006). In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Retrieved from II.II.5 Traditional and modern visual art of hunting and gathering peoples. (2006). In the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Retrieved from “ Nowak, B., & Laird, P. (2010). Cultural anthropology. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from `