"In the perfect beach resort, nothing is
On a cheap hotel Richard meets the
incoherently and eagerly about a beach on
I recently watched the film “The Beach”,
an island hidden from the sea.
which is an adventure drama film directed
The next morning is Daffy dead by suicide
by Danny Boyle. The film was made in
and Richard finds a handwritten map that
2000 and is based on the novel “The
will guide him to the beach. The beach is
Beach” by Alex Garland. I found “The
perfect. It has pure white sand, crystal-clear
Beach” quite interesting because it had the
water and palm trees. It is situated in a
capability of getting the audience to
National Park in the Gulf of Thailand where
question themselves whether the pursuit of
tourism is forbidden.
happiness ends at a final destination or if it
Richard then pairs up with a French couple,
is a way of life.
Ètienne and Francoise, and decides to
The famous director Danny Boyle is known
search after the beach.
for his work on the films Slumdog
Millionaire, 28 Days Later and 127 Hours
numerous obstacles, they find the hidden
etc. Danny Boyle doesn’t have one specific
beach. On their journey to the hidden
directing style, but more of his films has
beach, Richard meets three men on the
protagonist with an inner monologue and
Island Koh Samui. Richard thinks it’s a
who is often unsympathetic in some way,
great idea to let other people know where
intense visuals, surrealist moments and the
they’re going and draws them a copy of the
opening shot is usually a shot from the
secret map.
middle of the movie.
After arriving to the beach, Richard feels
“The Beach” tells the story of Richard, a
that they had arrived into a lost world. The
young backpacker from