
The Beauty Myth, By Naomi Wolf

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The Beauty Myth, By Naomi Wolf
Varied through time, beauty is a combination of ideal characteristics that makes a woman look physically gorgeous or perfect for the society we live in. Over centuries, this ideal body type has changed making it somehow stressful for many ladies around the world. These days the perfect woman as shown in ads, is presented as slim, blonde, big breast, and in most cases white. But is this ideal body that society wants us to believe, necessary? Well, just as Naomi Wolf describes it, it is just a beauty myth.
In the present day, women are captive in this obsession with physical perfection making some of them miserable and insecure, as they try to satisfy society’s definition of the perfect beauty. In this film, The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf helps us understand this frustration and anxiety as many of us go through when trying to make our bodies look like the typical advertisement model.
There are many potential physical and mental effects on girls and women who try to live up to our culture’s ideal of beauty. Whether at work or because of religious preference, ladies are often suffering with eating disorders, anxiety, depression and many other diseases trying to fit in the ideal beauty. The perfect body image included in all commercials,
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Three industries that Naomi mentions that are being responsible for women’s preoccupation with their image are cosmetic surgery, dieting, and television/advertisement industry. In my opinion, women with low self-esteem and who are trying to be like the regular size zero model, are often the ones who seek treatment in the cosmetic surgery industry. This industry has evolved and taken over with the idea that the perfect body is plastic. In the eyes of the plastic world, these procedures are fantastic. For them, the perfect beauty is Hollywood and the standards set by our

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