Mandatory voting is the government’s oppression to its citizens. Force people to vote takes away their individual rights. The democratic country will not be democracy anymore by taking away citizens’ rights. According to Sen Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, said on Fox News, no voting is also a legitimate choice that some people make”(Sherfinski). In the …show more content…
When the uninformed and uninterested people are forced to vote, the quality of their vote is questionable. “Social scientist have shown that higher quality government tends came high turnout. But high turnout does not cause higher quality government”(Gonchar). The rising amount of runout voters does not means a promotion of the government. “An associate professor of ethics, economics and public policy at Georgetown University who agrees, if we force everyone to vote, the electorate will become even more irrational and misinformed”(Gonchar). There are many non-voters do not participate in the political era of voting. “People who usually wouldn’t vote because they are uneducated or uninterested will flock to the polls to avoid legal issues” (Redlingshafer). The policy of mandatory voting would just make people to vote for what they don’t really care about or interested. Thus, the government should have a better way for the government to encourage people to vote, but not by forcing. Press people to vote is a worse way that the government might take in the