Those who believe that mandatory voting should become a law believe that it will bring the number of voters on Election Day to increase. With voter participation rates falling below sixty percent, making voting mandatory would increase the percentage of those who vote. By creating a law forcing people to vote it would make the elections truly valid and protect the integrity of our elections. By enforcing voting we would be ensuring that the elections would show the beliefs of every eligible voter. Politicians will have more support and run less targeted campaigns …show more content…
By making voting mandatory it would be causing those who are eligible to vote become educated on the issues and be informed on what is going on in the government system. Mandatory voting should also be implemented because it will force more people to vote. Getting more people to vote would lead to a more true representation to what the people want in their government system. Mandatory voting would force those who are younger or less educated who are not voting, to vote. With more people voting elections would show the beliefs of everyone who is able to vote and not just those who are willing to go out and vote. By getting more people to vote the ideas of the minority groups would start to be seen and heard in the government and the issues would be addressed. I believe that by making voting mandatory in the United States, it will lead to more people having an understanding on the issues, a better representation of minorities in voting, and a more accurate voting system and voting turn