Prof. R. Muhlbock
November 23rd, 2012
The Benefits of Video Games
It is without a doubt that video games have exponentially grown in popularity throughout the last decade. They have truly become one of the most popular forms of entertainment (when compared to Television, movies, music, etc). Consumers spent $24.75 billion on video games, hardware and accessories in 2011. Although the majority of game players are adults, video games have become exceptionally popular among kids. According to the NDP, 91% of U.S. children ages 2-17 play video games (64 million)2. Seeing as though the amount of violence in video games has also increased throughout the last decade, many parents are skeptical when coming to a decision of allowing or disallowing their children to play games. Most parents come to the conclusion that video games are a negative influence on their child’s life. This is mainly because some studies show that a steady diet of violent games can lead to antisocial behavior3. These studies combined with common sense are the reason as to why so many parents do not let their children play violent video games (or in some cases, video games in general)3. The problem is, most parents fail to realize that there are actually a great amount of positive affects that gaming have towards children. Almost all parents assume that most or all video games are bad for the user, which is certainly not the case. In fact, playing video games positively influences the lives of adolescents. Children can educate themselves and become better people by playing video games. In addition, there is an extremely small correlation of violent video games affecting the behavior of a child. It would most definitely not be crazy to think that a child gains nothing (educationally) by playing video games. Obviously educational games on websites such as “Fun Brain” and “Game Classroom” will be beneficial. But what almost all parents do not realize is that