the author wishes to make, which is that many fighters neglect their long-term health for short-term gain. It immediately made me aware of the first key point of the article and where to base my attention. The author also goes on to express the life-threatening diseases that those that rapidly deplete their body fluids are susceptible to, but he also uses the signpost ‘however’ to outline other lethal neurological consequences. It is perfectly used to showcase to me other risks that martial artists are at risk to. The author mentioned the death of Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, and uses ‘indeed’ to express that itis an example of the issue he is trying to bring a light to.
the author wishes to make, which is that many fighters neglect their long-term health for short-term gain. It immediately made me aware of the first key point of the article and where to base my attention. The author also goes on to express the life-threatening diseases that those that rapidly deplete their body fluids are susceptible to, but he also uses the signpost ‘however’ to outline other lethal neurological consequences. It is perfectly used to showcase to me other risks that martial artists are at risk to. The author mentioned the death of Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, and uses ‘indeed’ to express that itis an example of the issue he is trying to bring a light to.