The Blues Brothers The Blues Brothers is an American comedy directed by John Landis and was released in 1980. The film follows convict Jake and his brother Elwood Blues, who go on “a mission from God” to save the Catholic orphanage they grew up in from shutting down. By doing so, they reunite their band and organize a performance to earn $5,000 to pay off the owed tax while being chased by a deranged ex, Illinoisan Nazis’, the Good Ole Boys’, a western/country band, and the police. The movie stars John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, and features musical numbers by blues singers James Brown, Cab Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, and John Lee Hooker. The film displayed comedy best practices starting with timing. During the car chases throughout the movie, it seemed as if the police always made it in the wrong time usually result in many totaled cop cars. For example, in the scene after The Blues Brothers first gig, the guys are being chased by the Good Ole Boys’ and when the cops try to interfere; there cop car and the Good Ole Boys’ trailer are both completely destroyed after crashing into each other, also in the scene where Jake and Elwood are being chased by hundreds’ of cops in one of the craziest car chases in film history, all the cars end up in serious damage allowing the Blues Brothers to escape. Another best practice displayed throughout the film includes dialogue. This film is jam-packed with one liners including “they're not gonna catch us, we're on a mission from God” in which Jake says when Elwood has doubts if they’ll make it away from the cops and “cars got a lot of pickup” which reflects and somewhat foreshadows the amount of times, there car was able to crash into other car, make huge jumps, flips, and yet still managing to stay in one piece until they got arrested at the very end of the movie. A quote I enjoyed and found significant on the films humor was at the point of the film when Jake and Elwood go looking for their
The Blues Brothers The Blues Brothers is an American comedy directed by John Landis and was released in 1980. The film follows convict Jake and his brother Elwood Blues, who go on “a mission from God” to save the Catholic orphanage they grew up in from shutting down. By doing so, they reunite their band and organize a performance to earn $5,000 to pay off the owed tax while being chased by a deranged ex, Illinoisan Nazis’, the Good Ole Boys’, a western/country band, and the police. The movie stars John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, and features musical numbers by blues singers James Brown, Cab Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, and John Lee Hooker. The film displayed comedy best practices starting with timing. During the car chases throughout the movie, it seemed as if the police always made it in the wrong time usually result in many totaled cop cars. For example, in the scene after The Blues Brothers first gig, the guys are being chased by the Good Ole Boys’ and when the cops try to interfere; there cop car and the Good Ole Boys’ trailer are both completely destroyed after crashing into each other, also in the scene where Jake and Elwood are being chased by hundreds’ of cops in one of the craziest car chases in film history, all the cars end up in serious damage allowing the Blues Brothers to escape. Another best practice displayed throughout the film includes dialogue. This film is jam-packed with one liners including “they're not gonna catch us, we're on a mission from God” in which Jake says when Elwood has doubts if they’ll make it away from the cops and “cars got a lot of pickup” which reflects and somewhat foreshadows the amount of times, there car was able to crash into other car, make huge jumps, flips, and yet still managing to stay in one piece until they got arrested at the very end of the movie. A quote I enjoyed and found significant on the films humor was at the point of the film when Jake and Elwood go looking for their