Different for ever individual, what we experience in different landscapes sculpts our connection to the natural world. Memories can have a large impact on the emotional, cultural, personal and imaginative landscapes we develop in conjunction with the physical landscape, which provides the stimulants for the memories we link to particular characteristics. The many different environments we have experienced can elicit various different emotions and reactions. Therefore, connections to the natural world can vary between different memories associated with it; memories define our imaginative landscapes, and thus, our connection to our environment. It is obvious that different emotions contribute to unique experiences, resulting in the way we remember the landscape as unique. The emotive experience portrayed through an author provides the reader with an experience, a memory not their own, which shares the imaginative landscape of the writer with the reader. The differing portrayals of various scenarios, environments and people are directly related to the memories of the writer, which aids the connections development between the landscape portrayed and the reader. Memories of a landscape allows individuals to develop connections to that landscape and further a sense of identity, the strength or weaknesses in relationships to both those around them and the environment they inhabit, and whether the traditions are upheld or discarded. A strong connection to ones environments is created, and maintained by strong, positive memories within the landscape. However, in contrast, a disconnection to one’s environment can lead to isolation and alienation as a result of negative, or lacking of, memories within the environment. The lack of connection to the landscape we inhabit can result in a disconnection to culture, society and traditions. This is portrayed by Rachel Perkins, director of movie “one night the moon”, a film about the loss of child that communicates the difference in…