that in America we have troubles with change within our hearts when it comes to commitment with our hearts to our religion. People always attend church and say they are Christian or so forth, but they are not displaying that within themselves in there hearts. We also come to see that it takes people to have events happen to help them come to realization in there hearts. We tend to use the common phrase, “I’ll believe it when I see it” or “I’ll believe it when its proven to me or shown to me”. We are stubborn people who have conformed to the ways that seem comfortable to us, instead of taking chances and making changes. Lastly, we gather that temptations are apart of human kind, its inevitable. We are all temped everyday by multiples things. Some people more than others. Some of these temptations are more positive to see what we are capable of or some are to make us stronger as a person. But we also have negative temptations by evil. These temptations are the ors that try to destroy us or tear us down. Temptations in America increase all the time for people. Its destructive. Jeremiah displays multiple times spiritual and moral states of Israel that can relate to America today. Jeremiah’s time was some of the most rough, including the fall of Jerusalem. In America we have had some difficult times as well in the past and now. From reading I gathered three similarities: Jeremiah learns that people cannot just change they have to feel the change, sometimes it takes extraordinary events to happen in order for people to have a spiritual change in life, and Jeremiah also gathers that temptation is simply apart of life and theres nothing that can change it.
that in America we have troubles with change within our hearts when it comes to commitment with our hearts to our religion. People always attend church and say they are Christian or so forth, but they are not displaying that within themselves in there hearts. We also come to see that it takes people to have events happen to help them come to realization in there hearts. We tend to use the common phrase, “I’ll believe it when I see it” or “I’ll believe it when its proven to me or shown to me”. We are stubborn people who have conformed to the ways that seem comfortable to us, instead of taking chances and making changes. Lastly, we gather that temptations are apart of human kind, its inevitable. We are all temped everyday by multiples things. Some people more than others. Some of these temptations are more positive to see what we are capable of or some are to make us stronger as a person. But we also have negative temptations by evil. These temptations are the ors that try to destroy us or tear us down. Temptations in America increase all the time for people. Its destructive. Jeremiah displays multiple times spiritual and moral states of Israel that can relate to America today. Jeremiah’s time was some of the most rough, including the fall of Jerusalem. In America we have had some difficult times as well in the past and now. From reading I gathered three similarities: Jeremiah learns that people cannot just change they have to feel the change, sometimes it takes extraordinary events to happen in order for people to have a spiritual change in life, and Jeremiah also gathers that temptation is simply apart of life and theres nothing that can change it.