ID No. 08-1221
Wisdom Literature
Fr. Randolf Flores, SVD
An Exegesis of Sirach 3:1-16
I. Introduction
The Book of Sirach (also called the Book of Ben Sira or Ecclesiasticus) is recognized and valued for its instructive and enlightening teachings. One particular value of reading and studying Sirach comes from the light its sheds on the role of Jesus as a sage. This is the reason why the Book of Ben Sira is very relevant. It is cited well on various discussions concerning family matters and relationships especially during family encounters, recollections and retreats. We learn practical pieces of advice and morsels of truth for our daily living.
This study shall discuss vv. 1-16 of the 3rd chapter of Sirach. The researcher shall also answer the question why Ben Sira wrote the duties and obligations of children to their parents. Another question which the researcher shall probe in this study is to distinguish whether the “atonement for sins” mentioned in v. 3 and v.15 “Like Frost in Fair Weather, Your Sins Will Melt Away” are tantamount to the way sins are forgiven through the sacrament of reconciliation as we understand it today.
II. Literary Structure
This book has three major divisions according to Ceresko. The “Origin of Wisdom” which is the opening poem serves as an introduction to the entire book. The passage containing the “duty toward parents” (3:1-16) belongs to the First Major Division (1:1 – 23:28).
I. First Major Division (1:1-23:28) - Various Moral Teachings
II. Second Major Division (24:1:43:33) – Further Instructions
III. The Third Major Division (44:1-50:24) - Praise of the Ancestors
Ben Sira divided his lesson on the honor owed to parents into positive (vv. 1-9) and negative duties (vv. 10-16). Various discourses and directives on a variety of topics