Rio de Janeiro State University
Faculdade de Direito
The Breach of Bank
Secrecy by
International Rogatory
Student: Isabel Tandeitnik Husid
Subject: International Law I
Prof.: Marilda Rosado de Sá Ribeiro
Isabel Tandeitnik Husid
The Breach of Bank Secrecy by International Rogatory Letters
Raises a lot of discussion the breach of banking account data confidentiality requested by passive international rogatory letters 1 , as the courts have been denying them, arguing that they have enforceability character, because of that they are unsusceptible to be fulfilled without forecasting treaty and that it would hurt the
Brazilian public order, since the bank secrecy is included in the constitutional guarantees.
rogatory letters with enforceability character are note accepted in our national legal system, and this is common ground both in the courts as between the scholars, who defends that the International rogatory letter can only have as object a diligence to be conducted in Brazil, such as the service of process, intimations, hearing of whitnesses and obtaining evidences in general. On that way have decided the Supreme
Court as seen in the following decision:
“Sentença negatória de exequatur. Carta
Rogatória expedida pela Justiça da República
Argentina para se proceder no Brasil ao seqüestro de bens móveis e imóveis.Medida cautelar prevista no art. 1.295 do Código Civil argentino com o nome jurídico de embargo e no artigo 822 do Código de
Processo Civil brasileiro, com o nome jurídico de seqüestro. Tratando-se de providência judicial que depende, no Brasil, de sentença que a decrete, imperiosa é a conclusão de que tal medida não pode ser executada em nosso País antes de ser homologada, na jurisdição brasileira, a sentença estrangeira que a tenha concedido. Exequatur denegado”2. 1
Passive international rogatory letter is
References: STF, DJU 26 abr. 1999, CR 8525-5/EUA, Rel. Min. Celso de Mello. STF, DJU 2 fev. 2004, CR 10.925-1/Itália, Rel. Min. Maurício Corrêa. STF, DJU 15 mar. 2002, CR 9.886-8/França, Rel. Min. Marco Aurélio. STF na CR 7.126/Itália, Rel. Min. Sepúlveda Pertence (DJU 20 mar 1996) STJ, DJU 8 jun. 2006, CR 1.457/França, Rel. Min. Barros Monteiro.