In the story The Breadwinner, a young girl in Kabul, Afghanistan, lives with her family in a small bombed out apartment with their few salvaged belongings. During this time, the Taliban are in control of Afghanistan, which causes the family to live their lives very differently than before. For example, all the women in the family used to be able to go out into the city an do as they please. The children were allowed to attend school, there were no strict rules about possessions and women, and the economy was much better. Because of the Taliban, this has all changed. This leads us to our external conflict. The main character, Parvana, and her family struggle along with the rest of the city under the Taliban’s rule. Times get even harder when the Taliban lock her father up in jail for the possession of books. No longer having her father in the family, Parvana, being the most capable, is forced to dress and act like a boy so that she can go into the city and try to make money for her family, making her the breadwinner. The work is very hard and often leaves her frustrated. Parvana meets another girl, Shauzia, with whom she was friends back when they were allowed to go to school. Shauzia is also acing as a boy and is planning to leave the country on her own and make her way to France. Parvana then faces an internal conflict, because she has to choose whether or not to follow the path her friend plans to take, and only need to care for herself or continue to struggle caring for a whole houseful of
In the story The Breadwinner, a young girl in Kabul, Afghanistan, lives with her family in a small bombed out apartment with their few salvaged belongings. During this time, the Taliban are in control of Afghanistan, which causes the family to live their lives very differently than before. For example, all the women in the family used to be able to go out into the city an do as they please. The children were allowed to attend school, there were no strict rules about possessions and women, and the economy was much better. Because of the Taliban, this has all changed. This leads us to our external conflict. The main character, Parvana, and her family struggle along with the rest of the city under the Taliban’s rule. Times get even harder when the Taliban lock her father up in jail for the possession of books. No longer having her father in the family, Parvana, being the most capable, is forced to dress and act like a boy so that she can go into the city and try to make money for her family, making her the breadwinner. The work is very hard and often leaves her frustrated. Parvana meets another girl, Shauzia, with whom she was friends back when they were allowed to go to school. Shauzia is also acing as a boy and is planning to leave the country on her own and make her way to France. Parvana then faces an internal conflict, because she has to choose whether or not to follow the path her friend plans to take, and only need to care for herself or continue to struggle caring for a whole houseful of