Interpersonal Comm.
Professor Langston
3 April 2013 1. In the movie “The Break Up”, Gary and Brooke go through relational stages.
Initiating: This was first seen at the baseball game, when he tries to give her a hot dog, and after the game he insists on taking her on a date.
Experimenting: This is seen when Brooke tells a customer, “picking art is like picking a mate”
Intensifying: You could see at the beginning of the movie that they were in a loving, fun relationship by the pictures of them and their friends. It was always the two of them together.
Integrating: At this stage of the relationship they purchased the condo.
Bonding: This Bonding was not really seen in the movie itself but once again it could be seen in the photos of them and their friends. Also another example may be game night and bowling they have always done with friends.
Differentiating: In the movie they had dinner with both of their families. When it came time for the family to leave and Brooke wanted to clean up, Gary went and got on his video game. Brooke said “I’m going to do the dishes”, Gary’s response was “COOL”. They have an argument; Broke tells Gary she just wants a clean house and a thank you. “I want you to want to do the dishes”
Circumscribing: This is the “Kitchen Sink” argument. When she tells him foods is hot, or bring home twelve lemons and brings three. Brooke says “all this talking is starting to drain me”.
Stagnating: This is seen in the end of the movie when Brooke says “she don’t have anything left to give” and when she says she don’t feel the same way about Gary.
There are Dialectic tensions between Gary and Brooke in the movie.
Integration –Separation- Conflicting desires for connection and independence
Gary is a slob, Brooke is a perfectionist. He likes baseball, she likes ballet. After dinner with the families, they argue that they never go to ballet, never travel, and never pursue her interest.
Connection- Autonomy- We