The brown vs. tokpeka case was vital as it opened up new thinking towards de segregation in education but also can be said to change the thought of de segregation overall. Furthermore on May 17, 1954, the Court unanimously ruled that "separate but equal" public schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional. The Brown case served as a catalyst for the modern civil rights movement, inspiring education reform everywhere and forming the legal means of challenging segregation in all areas of society. After Brown, America made great strides toward opening the doors of education to all students.
Moreover I agree with the view that Brown vs. Tokpeka was a vital step of movement in civil rights as it was the NAACP first time it had won a case at the heart of segregation, showing that not only did the NAACP won the case but it was their first case won in connection with the Supreme Court. Many people believed this were the start of de segregation as in many ways was the first example of the Supreme Court showing sympathy towards civil rights. The Court accepted the case and in June of 1952 combined it with four other cases challenging school segregation policies elsewhere in the nation. On December 9, 1952, the two sides presented their arguments before the Court. Brown argued that the school segregation policy violated his family's equal protection of the law under the Fourteenth Amendment.
The Brown decision introduced fundamental changes in U.S. society. But, just as it took nearly sixty years to reverse legalized discrimination as supported by the Plessy decision, another twenty years would pass before school desegregation in America would be accomplished. Resistance to the Brown decision contributed to the growth of the civil rights movement in the 1950s. Considerable social unrest and violence followed in the 1960s, this was linked to the white backlash which was created by black