The Heart
You should be able to speak intelligently to all of these, but the bolded objectives are test material.
Heart Anatomy 1. Describe the size, shape, location, and orientation of the heart in the thorax. 2. Name the coverings of the heart. 3. Describe the structure and function of each of the three layers of the heart wall. 4. Describe the structure and functions of the four heart chambers. Name each chamber and provide the name and general route of its associated great vessel(s). 5. Trace the pathway of blood through the heart. 6. Name the major branches and describe the distribution of the coronary arteries. 7. Name the heart valves and describe their location, function, and mechanism of operation.
Cardiac Muscle Fibers 8. Describe the structural and functional properties of cardiac muscle, and explain how it differs from skeletal muscle. 9. Briefly describe the events of cardiac muscle cell contraction.
Heart Physiology 10. Name the components of the conduction system of the heart, and trace the conduction pathway. 11. Draw a diagram of a normal electrocardiogram tracing. Name the individual waves and intervals, and indicate what each represents. 12. Name some of the abnormalities that can be detected on an ECG tracing. 13. Describe normal heart sounds, and explain how heart murmurs differ. 14. Describe the timing and events of the cardiac cycle. 15. Name and explain the effects of various factors regulating stroke volume and heart rate. 16. Explain the role of the autonomic nervous system in regulating cardiac output.
Developmental Aspects of the Heart 17. Describe fetal heart formation, and indicate how the fetal heart differs from the adult heart. 18. Provide examples of age-related changes in heart function.
Lecture Outline I. Heart Anatomy (pp. 662–672; Figs. 18.1–18.10) A. Size, Location,