Unit 2 Lab Worksheet: Heart, Pulmonary and
Coronary Circulations
Student Name: Jessica Velez
Directions: Go to Real Anatomy and select Cardiovascular. Use the dissection man to f ind the appropriate images to use as references. You can use your mouse to roll over the images and click on the highlighted structures. You can use the Related Images section to find additional images.
If you need help navigating Real Anatomy, click on Take a Tour or click the question mark for the Help menu. 1. Identify the highlighted membrane layer.
2. Identify the highlighted membrane layer.
Parietal pericardium
SC131 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
3. Identify the highlighted membrane layer.
Visceral pericardium
4. Identify the cavity in which the highlighted organ is located.
Thoracic cavity
SC131 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
5. Identify the depicted tissue below.
6. Identify the layer that is composed of the depicted tissue.
Striated cardiac muscle
7. Identify the layer that lines the depicted structure.
SC131 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
8. Identify the highlighted chamber.
Right Auricle
9. Identify the three vessels that carry blood to the highlighted chamber. superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, coronary sinus
SC131 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
10. Identify the highlighted valve.
Tricuspid Valve
11. Identify the highlighted chamber.
Right Ventricle
SC131 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
12. Identify the highlighted vessel below.
Pulmonary trunk
13. Identify the highlighted valve.
Pulmonary valve
SC131 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
14. Identify the highlighted organ.
Left lung
15. Identify the highlighted vessels.
Pulmonary vein
SC131 Human Anatomy