Scope of the project
The scope of reengineering includes process improvement, process reengineering, business reengineering and transformation. The case of Chase Manhattan Bank belongs to the process reengineering, not process improvement or quick hits. In Chase Manhattan Bank, reengineering requires not only the rethinking of the business process but a concurrent examination and redesign of the information technologies and organization that support these processes. The Scope also includes entire business enterprise, entire delivery system, one functional process and single sub-process crossing many functions. Chase Manhattan Bank is a financial institution and its focus is on service process and financial process.
Which parts of the business were reengineered?
There are six business processes be reengineered in Chase Manhattan Bank.
Firstly, name and address change process reengineering, the team improved a redesigned process model to eliminate duplication and improve the efficiency of this work. Secondly, the branch cash management process has been reengineered. The team improved cash tracking models to predict the cash levels. Thirdly, retail funds transfer process reengineering, when recurring funds transfer requests occur, the customers can get the real-time processing instead of manual intervention in back-office areas. Fourthly, Chase had the reengineering of account holds and levies. Chase also reengineered E-funds disbursement card and service charge processes. These efforts resulted in new products and services in addition to dramatic increases in revenue and operating savings.
Process mapping Tool
Business process mapping refers to activities involved in defining exactly what a business process does, who is responsible, to what standard a process should be completed and how the success of a business process can be determined. It is a workflow diagram to bring forth a clearer understanding of