The beginning of the story starts with a paragraph on Montresor’s vividly detailed hatred for Fortrunado and how he’s achieved in alluding Montresor’s train of thought to killing Fortrunado, who was his best friend. “The thousand injuries of Fortrunado I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.” The point of view from Montresor shows that he is a bit crazy, but from his words, it pulls out the question that if this story is even real and if he actually did kill Fortrunado even though it is a fictional story. Poe actually does not tell the reader what the insult was so it allows them to infer and come up with their own thoughts on what it might be.
Fortrunado has an interesting part about his family, their families’ arms show a lot of symbolism to the irony of the story. “A huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose the fangs are embedded in the heel… Nemo me impane lacessit.”That quote is Latin for: Nobody attacks me without punishment. This quote is symbolic because since Fortrunado insulted Montresor, Montresor gave punishment to Fortrunado.
Poe’s characters create a description on situation irony through their actions and symbols. People like Montresor are hard to find because people never know how to find them until its to late for