First, we will speak about Fortunato’s tragic flaw: His ego. We see throughout the story that Fortunato believes himself to be the best at what he does. Believes himself to be the best wine connoisseur there is. It is due to this flaw that Montresor was able…
In “The Cask of Amontillado” Fortunado who is slightly drunk, is lured through the catacombs with the promise of wine, by Montressor who is seeking revenge. The reader is never informed of what Fortunado did to deserve this revenge. In a way it is biased because the reader is led to believe that Fortunado deserves the revenge Montressor is plotting, when he may be simply overreacting. According to Cynthia Bily, English professor at Adrian College, The word for Montresor’s behavior is “duplicitous.” It means that he is concealing his true motives and feelings beneath a deceptive exterior, that he is being two-faced in order to lure Fortunado to his death. Montressor eventually handcuffs him to the wall and builds up the bricks around him eventually suffocating him, which results in his death. Fortunado’s death is a direct result of Montressor’s…
This article describes the emotional aspects of Montresor, the protagonist in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.” While Montresor seems uncaring and without emotion as he is murdering Fortunato for the insults against his family, Montresor is not as ruthless as he seems. He shows care and concern for his victim in that he gives Fortunato numerous chances to escape his fate by suggesting they head back on account of Fortunato’s cough. He also calls Fortunato my friend and good friend six times as the article points out. In the end, Montresor does…
“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon, I vowed revenge.” Montresor has felt that he has been insulted by Fortunato and he seeks revenge upon him. Since Montresor is seeking revenge Fortunato has to watch out, but that may be hard because throughout the story Fortunato is gullible, full of pride, and is an alcoholic.…
Montresor baits Fortunato by using his weakness, the love of wine. Another weakness he displays is his ego and Montresor knows this. It doesn 't take much for him to be baited into sampling his supposed newly acquired pipe of amontillado. During the trip in the catacombs Montresor compels him many times to return to the surface because of his cold, but Fortunato being drunk and a fool wants to be the one to sample the amontillado. He fails to understand the foreshadowing that Montresor provides him with the mason 's trowel, even when he asks about the Montresor coat of arms. "A huge human foot d 'or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel" (Poe 208). He must not have realized how serious Montresor takes his pride. When he finally has him chained to the wall he is very shocked. His disbelief that his friend lured him to his death leaves him practically speechless. He quickly sobers up and begins to moan and cry, then to pull at the chains trying to escape then in a last ditch effort he begins to scream. Either in hopes that someone would hear him and come to his rescue or upon the realization that he is about to die. He knows that this is no joke, but he gives Montresor a chance at redemption by pretending that it is. Unfortunately whatever insult Fortunato had given, it leads to his demise. In the end all he can do is beg…
Claiming to have suffered many insults from the latter, the aristocrat Montresor—whose name mon trésor “my treasure” calls to mind leisurely indolence and curbs our sympathy for the unlikely hero—vows revenge. He leads Fortunato to his doom in the meandering catacombs. The greatest weapon yielded by Montresor is his clever, witty art of manipulation. He utilizes reverse psychology and can thus control many weaker characters. Fortunato, already grappling with the clutches of inebriation, is an easy prey: “You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as I once was”[2], croons our protagonist. The plump Fortunato is deceived into believing that his health and well-being are of importance to Montresor. Reverse psychology plays an important role in the story, without it Montresor would never have succeeded in luring Fortunato into and through the catacombs. Reverse psychology also contributes to the horror of “The Cask of Amontillado.” It is not physical horror; rather, it is a mental…
An element of symbolism is expressed when the story turns its attention to Fortunato’s and Montresor’s clothes. “He [Fortunato] had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells.” This symbolizes Fortunato’s foolishness in listening to Montresor, and ignoring the growing danger Montresor was leading him into. The symbolism also reveals how Montresor fools Fortunato into venturing deep in the catacombs by getting him drunk. In addition, Montresor uses Fortunato’s…
“Cask of Amontillado” shows how a calm person can hide envy and hate. Montresor works with Fortunato to reach the pipe that he has obtained with Amontillado. Fortunato has a…
He begins the story by saying how Fortunato, has hurt him through insult and offenses. The narrator exclaims, that Fortunato, who he considered his friend, must be punished. More explicit the narrator must get revenge. Montresor, wearing a black silk mask, meets Fortunato, who is dressed up in jester clothes for a carnival celebration. Once, he sees Fortunato, who is already drunk, Montresor mentions that he bought a pipe of amontillado (a brandy), knowing that his friend considered himself an expert on wines and will be tent to go and verify the wine’s…
The story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe is a story about revenge. Montresor and Fortunato are the main characters of the story. Montresor has been insulted by Fortunato more than thousand times. These insults lead Montresor to revenge for his pride. Front of Fortunato he act nice and cleverly play upon his pride, this pride lead Fortunato to his death. In the story Montresor characters; physical appearance, personality, and Pride.…
Although most of your characters were believable in your powerful tale of revenge, The Cask of Amontillado, I found your narrator, Montresor to be quite unreliable. Could it be that you did not intend for me to sympathize with Montresor for the insult made by Fortunato, but rather to judge him? Frankly, I found him to be smug and egotistical, while questioning his sanity. He did not convince me that his intentions were honorable to support his family’s motto: “Nemo me impune lacessit,” or “No one assails me with impunity.”…
In the short horror story "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe, Poe attempts to convey why both pride and revenge can become dangerous when a person is overwhelmed by either. Poe, through the use of various literary techniques, introduces an horrific drama of two men, one who will stop at nothing to get the revenge that he believes himself and his family worthy of, and another whose pride will ultimately become the instrument of his own death. Fortunato falls prey to Montresor's plans because he is so proud of his expertise in wine, and it is for the sake of his own pride that Montresor takes revenge on the heedless Fortunato. Poe shows how pride and revenge can make a man become obsessive to the point where he justifies murdersomething he normally would never dothrough exaggerated reasoning, and how pride can make a man so blind that he walks obliviously to his own death.…
Some people who want to get revenge often go to extents even to cheat people through hypocrisy. . "The Cask of Amontillado" recounts the last meeting between two aristocratic gentlemen, the narrator Montresor and the wine connoisseur Fortunato. While Fortunato remains joyful ignorant of Montresor's true intentions for most of the story, the visible pleasure Montresor takes in relating his story, proudly recalling every detail fifty years after the fact, suggests a state of mind free of remorse and detached from any sense of conscience. All Montresor thinks about of is killing Fortunato and he takes advantage of him. Montresor’s hypocrisy is shown by his the speech he uses to make Fortunato blind to reality. Fortunato does not have a clue…
Montressor meets Fortunato at the carnival and to butter him up, he claims that he has "received a pipe of what passes for amontillado" (Poe 1083). He also appeals to Fortunato's pride and vanity by telling him that he was "silly enough to pay the full price" (Poe 1083) without consulting him. He tells Fortunato these things to puff him up and play on his pride. By doing this this he is able to not only convince Fortunato, but to get him to insist they go down to his vaults. We see another demonstration of Montressor playing on Fortunato's pride throughout the story. Montressor claims he "is on his way to Luchesi" (Poe 1083). He also states "if anyone has a critical turn, it us he" (Poe 1083). At the mere mention of Luchesi's name Fortunato is outraged. Saying, "Luchesi cannot tell amontillado from sherry" (Poe 1083). Fortunato's outrage that someone would go to Luchesi over him proves the fact that he is arrogant and prideful. This arrogance and pride allows Montressor to kill him in the end. The two men's pride together have catastrophic consequences. Even though the two men's pride drive the conflict, the conflict itself drives the…
In addition to vengefulness, Montresor was also a clever person. By the third paragraph it is evident that Montresor formulated a plan to carry out against Fortunato. Montresor stated “I continued, as was my intent to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation” (Poe, 1). The narrator then went into detail about Fortunato’s weak points. “He had weak points, this Fortunato” (Poe, 1). Montresor knew that Fortunato was an expert on wine. “He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine” (Poe, 1). Montresor also knew that Fortunato was not skilled in painting or gems. He proved that when he said “In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen, was a quack, but in the matter of old wines he was sincere” (Poe, 1). This displayed Montresor’s high mental alertness.…