The irony that is included throughout the story show Montresor as the monster he has become. The setting creates a basis for a terrifying mood that continues as the story progresses. The foreshadowing elements that Poe has thoroughly incorporated in the story allow the reader to not shake the tense feeling that Poe creates. Poe’s work in this story set a literary example for American Literature. Numerous authors throughout the world, such as Stephen King and Arthur Conan Doyle, incorporate Poe’s gothic work into their own
The irony that is included throughout the story show Montresor as the monster he has become. The setting creates a basis for a terrifying mood that continues as the story progresses. The foreshadowing elements that Poe has thoroughly incorporated in the story allow the reader to not shake the tense feeling that Poe creates. Poe’s work in this story set a literary example for American Literature. Numerous authors throughout the world, such as Stephen King and Arthur Conan Doyle, incorporate Poe’s gothic work into their own