1 Introduction
1.1-----------------------------The overview of the report
1.2-----------------------------The background of Airlines industry
1.3-----------------------------The Problems of Qantas airlines
1,4-----------------------------Action Research Model
2 Change and managing people at both the individual and organizational level
2.1 -------------------------Change and managing people at organizational level
2.2--------------------------Change and managing people at individual level
3 conclusion and Recommendations
3.1 conclusion 3.2 Recommendations
4 Implementation Plan and learning experience
4.1 Implementation plan
4.2 My own learning experience
1.1 The overview of the report
This report was written as an evidence of our group’s presentation for Qantas airlines. It does include the way Qantas change and managing people at both the individual and organizational levels. Also with include the understanding of the area for change and development. And a implementation plan will been given at the second part of the report with the conclusion of my own leaning Experience.
1.2 The background of Airlines industry Qantas was founded in Queensland on 1920 as Queensland and Northern Territorial Aerial Services Limited. In the last 16 years, some of the changes occurred in airline industry affect this yields which could identified as the collapse of Ansett group, the absorption of Impulse Airlines into Qantas and so on. Moreover, the deregulation continued in Australia due to the establishment of ‘Open skies” agreement between Australia and New Zealand. Based on this situation, related to the turbulent industry, it is difficult for firms to control the profits. Qantas and Virgin Blue are two big players which has the most part of the market share. Since 2001, the competition becomes more seriously because of the government tightened security
References: 1 Ian, P & Richard, D., 2009. Types of changes. Sourcebook: Managing Organizational Change (2ed). Pp101 2 Poulsen, A., 2007 3 Qantas, 2012. Fly with Qantas. 4 Wendy, S., 2002 5 Sheela, A., 2010. Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment. 6 Visser, H., 2002 7 Fred, L., 2008. Airline Deregulation. Sourcebook: The concise encyclopedia of Economics (1st). 8 GAO, 1996 9 Cummings, T.G., and Worley, C.G., (2009) Organization Development and Change (9th ed), Mason, OH: Cengage. P109 10 10 Annual review of Qantas,(2011) Annual review book of Qantas group 2011