her flowers. Elisa can grow enormous chrysanthemums, better than anyone for miles around. In fact, Elisa has what her mother calls “planters’ hands” (282). A gift she inherited from her mother. Elisa tells Henry, her mother “could stick anything in the ground and make it grow" (282). After Henry assures Elisa she has the gift to grow magnificent flowers, he states, “I wish you’d work out in the orchard and raise some apples that big” (282). Consequently, Elisa replies “maybe I could do it, too" (282). Leaving her with yet, another chore she now feels obligated to do. As a result, one could only imagine why this would cause Elisa great heartache and loneliness. One afternoon, while working in the gardens, Elisa is visited by a tinker, who manages to catch her eye. While looking for work, the tinker asks Elisa if she has any gently used pots or pans needing to be repaired, or scissors needing sharpening. However, Elisa ensures him, she does not. As a result, he is strong-minded, demanding work, and tries another approach. In fact, he pretends to be fascinated with her flowers; realizing she takes great pride in them. Subsequently, the tinker leads her to believe he has a customer in search of chrysanthemum seeds. Therefore, he asks if she would be willing to give him some, to pass on to his customer. Suddenly, Elisa’s disposition changes, and she is more than willing to help him out. Finally, Elisa feels someone is interested in her and her pastime. As a result, Elisa is ecstatic and feels needed and wanted by someone. Therefore, she is eager to give the tinker some starters, from her flowers, to pass on. Caught up in the moment, Elisa becomes overtaken with the attention from the tinker, causing her to make a pass at the man. Consequently, while kneeling in the garden preparing shoots to send with the tinker, her “breast swelled passionately”, (286) and “her hand went out toward his legs,”…“her hesitant fingers almost touched the cloth” (286). Suddenly, Elisa caught herself about to commit an inappropriate act. Immediately, Elisa’s “hand dropped to the ground. She crouched low like a fawning dog” (286). Consequently, it is understandable how Elisa becomes caught up in the moment, by feeling needed by someone.
Meanwhile, the tinker has Elisa dreaming about a life outside of the valley. Then, the tinker asks for directions. Elisa gives him directions to save him time, but he ensures her he has plenty of time, “I ain’t in any hurry, ma’am” (284). While the tinker is explaining to Elisa how he travels across the country all year, keeping up with the sun and ideal weather on his route, she becomes even more fascinated with him. As Elisa stands up, removing her gloves and straightening her hair, she states, “that sounds like a nice kind of way to live” (284)...”I wish women could do such things” (286). The tinker states, “It’s nice just like you say” (286). Curiously, Elisa asks, “you sleep right in the wagon?” (286). As a result, Elisa is beginning to consider, if perhaps, she would be happier living a carefree life on the road with the tinker. Immediately, the tinker ensures her, “it ain’t the right kind of life for a woman” (286). Also, he says, “it would be a lonely life for a woman, ma’am, and a scary life too” (286). In spite of what the tinker says, Elisa continues to believe, life following the warm weather and sunshine would be better than her life in a secluded and monotonous farm house.
Later that day, Elisa is getting ready for an evening in town with her husband. Henry and Elisa will be celebrating Henrys sale of a herd of cattle earlier in the day. While Elisa takes her bath, she was feeling dirty and impure about her views and actions with the tinker. As a result, “she scrubbed herself with a little block of pumice,”… “until her skin was scratched and red” (287). As a result of her intentions with the tinker, Elisa feels the need to confirm the attraction of her husband. As a result, Elisa “put on her newest underclothing and nicest stockings and the dress which was the symbol of her prettiness” (287). Also, Elisa spends extra time fixing her hair and applying makeup. Elisa is obviously looking for attention from Henry. None-the-less, Elisa is hopeless when the only acknowledgement she receives, is Henry states, “you look so nice” (287). “Nice? You think I look nice? What do you mean by ‘nice’?” (287). Meanwhile, on their way into town, Elisa notices her cherished chrysanthemums dumped alongside the road. She is astonished. Elisa “whispered to herself sadly, “he might have thrown them off the road, that wouldn’t have been much trouble, not very much” (288). As a result, she swiftly turns her head toward the window, not wanting Henry to notice her crying. Furthermore, she even questions about the fights he annoyed her with earlier in the day, to try and get her mind off the tinker. Elisa asked, “Do the men hurt each other very much?” (288). She informed him she “read how they break noses, and blood runs down their chests” (282). Consequently, she begins speculating if all men are cruel, and if she will ever find true happiness. In conclusion, living in a dreary, little secluded town, has left Elisa Allen disheartened.
She is definitely looking for ways to feel significant, and treasured. Elisa is, yet again, feeling isolated and depressed. Throughout the day, she felt wanted and special by a complete stranger. Being overcome by a feeling she rarely experiences, Elisa imagined impure thoughts, but was able to stop herself from doing the unthinkable. Therefore, she will continue to live the lonely, unhappy life of a farm
Work Cited
Steinbeck, John. “The Chrysanthemums.” Literature and the Writing Process. Ed. Elizabeth McMahan et al. 10th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013 218-290. Print.