(*Arends, 2001)
The classroom discussion model of teaching involves giving students the opportunity to participate in structured small and large group conversations. The teacher, however, must specify the purpose for the discussion, establish the rules for conversational engagement, facilitate, and monitor the progress of the conversation. The five steps of the Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching appear in the chart below.
The Five Steps of the Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching
Steps | Description | Teacher and/or Student Behavior | 1 | Get students ready to learn, and clarify the objective/s for the discussion | Teacher gets students ready to learn. Teacher identifies the objective/s for the discussion. | 2 | Focus the discussion | Teacher explains the ground rules for the discussion. | 3 | Facilitate the discussion | Teacher facilitates one of the whole class or small group discussion procedures described below. | 4 | Terminate the discussion | Teacher brings closure to the discussion. | 5 | Reflect on the discussion | Teacher invites students to share their thoughts, and conclusions about the discussion content and discussion procedure. | What Are Models of Instruction? | | | An instructional model is a step-by-step procedure that leads to specific learning outcomes. The models of teaching approach emphasizes the need for variety in the classroom, which can only be accomplished by developing the teacher’s repertoire of instructional approaches to meet a range of objectives. The teacher who utilizes a variety of instructional approaches is more likely to reach all students in the classroom; moreover, students are encouraged to learn in a variety of ways.The models presented in the fourth edition of Instruction: A Models Approach by Gunter, Estes, and Schwab are as
References: 2.1 First 'institution ' Baghdad 918 AD 2.2 Bedlam hospital, 1247 (etc.)