Mrs. Kirchen
The Colosseum, Chartres Cathedral, and the Pyramid of King Djoser are the greatest achievements of architectural history. Djoser, who is also known by Netjerikhet, Tosorthos, and Sesorthos, (c. 2670 BCE) was the first king of the Third Dynasty of Egypt. Before Djoser's reign, it started off as a mastaba tombs. The mastaba tombs were originally made for graves. The tombs were made of dried clay brick, shaped rectangular with a flat roofed structure. Each of these tombs were made to entomb the deceased. Although, Djoser's vizier, Imhotep, designed a building that his king would be far more impressed with. Imhotep piled up the mastabas one by one each top of each other to create …show more content…
A few elements only were of stone. Djoser's Step Pyramid complex at Saqqara was the earliest construction of its size in world history fully made of stone." Using stone to build the pyramid is seemed to be Imhotep's idea because of the engraving on the Step Pyramid as the chief architect. Imhotep designed the pyramid while being under Djoser's wing. The credit was divided amongst him and his king. Later, Moroslay Verner recorded that Egyptians referred to Djoser as the "opener of stone", which means that he was the first one to use stone to build with. The Step Pyramid was very intricate and complex, it was designed to amaze and inspire. The Step Pyramid was the tallest structure during its time, measuring up to 204 feet high. The nearby vicinity contains a temple, shrines, courtyards, and living quarters for the priests in an area that covers just about 40 …show more content…
Djoser's burial chamber was sculpted of granite and, in order to reach it, one had to guide the corridors which had been filled with hundreds or thousands of stone vessels that engraved the names of each of the earlier kings. In the subterranean compound, the other chambers were used for ceremonial reasons but, solely for the soul of the pharaoh. The pyramids are the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt and still continue to amaze everyone in today's society. The evolution of the pyramid form has been questioned for centuries but there is no question that, as far as Egypt is concerned, it began with one monument to one king designed by one brilliant architect, the Step Pyramid of Djoser at