The chaos of the Old Kingdom had died down, and political stability was reestablished.
Pyramid Building Stopped for Good At around 1800 B.C., Egyptian pyramid-building was stopped once and for all. Historians are still left wondering exactly why they stopped building pyramids, but there are some known facts about the end of pyramid-building. Once pharaohs stopped being buried in pyramids, they were buried in tombs cut from rock, typically on mountainside. Also, the grave robberies went down greatly, most likely due to the fact that the graves were no longer very easily accessible.
Inside the Pyramids
Within the pyramids there were two separate chambers, one for the pharaoh and one for the queen. Leading up to the pharaoh's chamber was the grand gallery. In the sides of the pyramids were air shafts which were a functional purpose for workers, but it has been theorized that the directions in which the shafts point could possibly be religious. Finally, there was often an underground chamber found in the Pyramids of Giza, for a purpose which is unknown. It is thought that it might be a diversion for grave robbers to lead them away from the real chambers of the pharaoh and