The elite opted to prevent rebellions which voiced the opinions of disregarded members of society such as women, slaves, indentured servants, and men who didn 't own land, by intervening and taking them into their own hands because they wanted to preserve their power. In 1780, Shay 's rebellion, led by Daniel Shay, a veteran of the Battle of Bunker Hill, allowed farmers who were unable to pay their mortgage, to speak out. Creating chaos amongst the peaceful streets of Springfield, armed farmers were stopped by state militia. Shay 's rebellion led way to the Philadelphia Convention in which fifty-five men representing twelve states congregated on 1787, in proposal of drafting a new constitution. Through the occurrence of the American Revolution, they were aware of the power that their people were able to execute and wanted to stabilize the government by creating a new Constitution. Members included James Madison, Robert Morris, and Alexander Hamilton. Delegates met in secret, excluding the response of the people.
According to Charles Beard, "A majority of the members [of the Constitutional convention] were