According to Saintyves (1989), “... we could consider this charming story a fable, suppose that it was invented in order to teach young girls that they should not talk to strangers” (q.t.d. In Pittman, p.72). This quote is explaining how in general this story is to teach little girls about how not to talk to strangers, and the consequences that are born from it. This tale could have possibly been invented to teach a moral value, but it could have also been created to teach a lesson on the violence that can happen in reality. The ideas of growth and development in this story, have to do with the morality side of this story. The principles between Little Red Cap not listening to her mother and coming in contact with a wolf, have to do with right and wrong, and good and bad behavior. The reason why she is considered as woman as hero, is because she had to deal with right and wrong. The right was knowing what to do the next time it happened, but the wrong she had experienced in the beginning of the story, by following a different path and not being aware of the harm that will come to her. Once again, with considering the girl as a hero, the eighteenth century tale emphasizes the meaning of protection, moral, and educational …show more content…
Wither her red cape and fresh bleeding times, she is the channel of the life force itself… The birth of the soul is about the union of body-mind and spirit. Little Red Riding Hood becomes the vessel by which numerous energies are experienced and expressed, the soul embodied.”
Wilkes states that, Little Red once again joins the society she lives in, by becoming life. With the unity she has with her grandmother, the wolf no longer becomes a problem. As he is referred to as the devil, the wolf is now the blackness of existence that little Red Cap has dissolved. Also, as she becomes the vessel with her soul being expressed with positive vibes, she is becoming filled with the courage to fight back. Wilkes also later on reflects,
“It is Little Red Riding Hood who, by connecting the deep feminine and deep masculine, allows for energies of the numinous to be expressed and experienced. She embodies a self which can live without fusing with others and which experiences a passion for linking, both with others and with one’s self. No longer does the dualistic split exist in which the spiritual transcendent. Now these energies are descendent, held within the body which exists as a part of a larger