The Consumption Of Gift-Giving Among The Trobriand Islanders
Malinowski described gift giving among the Trobriand Islanders as an exchange that “takes the form of free gift and following counter-gift” (Malinowski 13). The gifts are always given based on a value of equivalence and follows customary rules set forth by their society. Essentially, Trobriand Islanders gift giving system is shaped through values of exchange, production, and consumption. Moreover, all these systems are managed by customary values based on social organization. Additionally, Marcel Mauss would interpret Malinowski’s research on exchange systems as similar to his own research. For like Malinowski, Mauss believed that certain forms of exchange are more rooted in social life than just economic transitions. Furthermore, Mauss asserted
that receiving gifts aided in achieving a certain goal, and for the Trobriand Islanders “gifts” helped to bring prestige among the islanders.