
The Controversy Of Banning Cell Phones In Schools

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The Controversy Of Banning Cell Phones In Schools
Cell phones in schools shouldn't be allowed for many reasons. Some people believe that cell phones provide a distraction for students at school. Students should have to communicate with each other face to face and not through a screen. The technology world has definitely took a turn and became more advanced. There are many pros and cons to this. One of those cons is in fact the world of communication where people do not talk or communicate in the way they should. The bottom line is, phones should not be allowed in the classroom.

One reason cell phones should be banned is for communication purposes. Students need to be able to talk and interact with each other instead of communicating over a screen. By using phones people often run away from our problems when we should face them. If someone is having a problem with someone they should tell them face to
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Even though this can be a good use of cell phones, this privilege is often misused. Students often lie about who they are talking to on their phones. They sometimes are cyber bullying or sexting online over school hours. This needs to stop because it can be harmful to the well being of people. If students use their phones they should be monitored of who they are talking to at school and at home. They can also abuse this by "Secretly taking inappropriate photographs of other students and distributing them" , as stated by Jon in the article.

Clearly, cell phones can have a negative impact on students and their ability to learn during school hours. They should in fact be banned during class time so the student can learn properly. Cell phones are obviously a distraction and it takes the purpose of communicating away. They can be nice at times but they should definitely not be allowed during school hours. Students need to focus on their school work and sports instead of how many people liked their Instagram

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